Monday, December 14, 2009

Post #8: The Knight Series


  1. Very cool idea Ryan. It is great that you are able to share some of his images with the world. Awesome photographs on top of that. It was great to get to meet your parents this weekend at Help-Portrait. What cool people.

  2. These photos are amazing! I love seeing them! I know you have no obligation to do so, but just out of morbid curiosity, would you be willing to post approximate dates the photos were taken? I think that would be interesting. Thanks for sharing this wonderful art with the world!

  3. These are great!! When I saw the first photo pop up, I thought of the Japanese movie, Johnny Robot :) Wonderful series and the idea behind this is very admirable. What a great thing to do and I would think it adds a whole new dimension to your relationship with your Father. Great series and I look forward to your additions.

  4. These are very cool. What's the story behind them bro?

  5. These were shot for an ad agency (I believe Valentine Radford) in Kansas City for an insurance company. The idea being the insurance company like the knight would offer their clients protection.

    I wish I could give more details about the dates and use of all the images but unfortunately alot of the details have been lost to time.
